Mona Lisa Smile :)

I just watched this movie *Mona Lisa Smile* and just fell in love with the movie and each & every character - especially the character played by Julia Roberts with just enough smile & just enough emotions spilling out to show what she felt ..actually each n every actor/actress in the movie had just the right expression on their face. One real fine movie - directed by Mike Newell. Loved it!
Just wanted to share my fav - these last few lines from the movie.
Dear Betty: I came to Wellesley because .. I wanted to make a difference.But to change for others...- is to lie to yourself.
My teacher...Katherine Watson,
lived by her own definition...... and would not compromise that. Not even for Wellesley.
I dedicate this, my last editorial...... to an extraordinary woman...... who lived by example......and compelled us all to see the world through new eyes.
By the time you read this, she'll be sailing to Europe...... where I know she'll find new walls to break down.... and new ideas to replace them with.
Hold it, everybody.
I've heard her called a quitter for aimless wanderer. But not all who wander are aimless. Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition...... beyond definition..... beyond the image.
LIFE - Just Live It! :)
always keep smiling :)