Expressions Of Life!!! :)

itz just a lil place where my random thoughts r glued together from my jumpy bumpy funny screamy yet peaceful fun loving happy n yummy n springy LIFE :p

Location: Florida, United States

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Brainy - My real Blog

Somtimes I ask myself, why do I rite on this blog. TO tell u the truth when I started bloggin, lolz I was just a lil kid not so lil in terms of real age n life ..thinking about sharing *ALL* my views n things the way I see them around with people some I know (in my real life) n some I don't (virtaully). Sharing sum thoughts on spirtuality/religion/people/world /living happily/analyzing thingz around/courses/teachers/friends n family n society ..yo everything.. basically watever we all usually talk about in our everyday life.

hehe but with every postie I wrote .. itz strange but the very basic n very true thoughts n questions n answers n discussionz I have with myself family n friends about life or just some little Orchid flowerz growing rite outside my door, thoughts about what I really think about things around, thoughts that sumwhere I would just like to put it down just the way I want to.. hmm sumhow I could never put them on this blog or so to say anywhere.

Maybe the fear that it might hurt somonez feeling whom I don't even know around or just the fact I am just learning n will keep learning on every step of my life, n that thoughts n things I think today are correct wiht some perspective ..may not be at all true tom. hmm.. and maybe I felt posting "nothing" is way better rather than putting onez own opinion about a lil cherry sumwhere anybody can read n start thinking about life or about that lil cherry in a different way. I guess thatz why, I always ended up tellin myself, well my lil "brainy" is the only real *bloggy* where I can really store things without thinking too much about the consequences.

so watz up with me..
well Painting iz surely up! n watching Hindi movies - now thatz new for a change.
and Summer is as usual Hot!!!

listening to:Kabhie Aisa Lagta Hein- Lucky Ali

- am still working on this one.


Blogger Sujit said...

wow! thats amazing!... nice.. and if its complete then it should be a class!..

as youyourself said! the opinion are yours and if you ar confident about your opinions then you can put them!... this is a space on you being what you are!..

8:12 PM, July 18, 2006  
Blogger Sujit said...

so you changed your appreance?.. to be niddlesriddles???

8:15 PM, July 18, 2006  
Blogger unfuel the planet said...

in your paining add a small boat in the blue waters (preferrably parked on the shores) to give a balance between the left and the right halves

6:29 AM, July 21, 2006  
Blogger Pulkit Joshi Photography said...

I write when no body is there to hear me! Watsay?

1:57 AM, July 25, 2006  

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