Summery Hie :)

The Art Of Being
The greatest artists one can ever know
are the artists of being,
who, without paintbrush,
chisel, or stroke of pen,
bring more aliveness to the world around them.
Their very presence generates beauty,
for their lives are their works of art.
they are masters of the moment,
moving through each hour with graceful ease, and painting
the canvas of their days with the vivid hues of love.
Their passion for life is their medium,
bringing fresh bursts of inspiration
wherever they are,
and leaving strokes of uncommon wisdom
wherever they go.
They embrace all of life-
their arms outsreched in a wide arc of splendor.
For all that has been, they are greatful.
For all that is to come, they are welcoming.
Their response to life is a resounding *YES*,
Their hearts are as open as the sky.
-Diana Loomans
Lifez beautiful :p n guess this poem just reminded me again how more beautiful it is when we live it by coloring each n every moment of it by simply living it to itz fullest.
Now watz up with me : mmhmmmm ..
Am buzy tryin to sketch n paint n play tennis n clicking pictures these daysz! Reading some book on Number Theory side by side n cooking *dal-chawal* n lazzzzzzzzzyinggggg n wathcing crap yet fun :p on tv *americaz last standing comedian* n spending more time sleeping on my beddy *zzzzzz* n jumping around *whoopie* allllll together in this !!!HOT!!! yet ;;;RAINY;; summer. IN SHORT :) - Enjoying Summer :p
catch ya laterz - till then always keep smiling :)
currently listenin to - Dil Chahta Hein oooh oooh oooh oooh oooooooooh o
ps: new pics up on LIFE - fotu blog